Friday, December 21, 2012


Remember when I said I was in love? Boy, was I wrong. I think I was mostly just in love with other peoples relationships. The only person I would want a relationship with, aka, Shane Kroll, has a fucking girlfriend and she really likes him and he is such a player. But anyway, I broke up with now ex-boyfriend (aka not shane) yesterday morning. He just started annoying me and he never showed any emotion and he was really clingy. I'm just happy I'm single again. But my phone died and I was at a school concert and he kept messaging me and than finally he was like 'fine whatever im done like whatever what couple really does this' because he thought i was fucking ignoring him
 And like bitch, calm your fucking tits bro
 So the next morning i was like...i have commitment issues, bye..and we bought each other Christmas presents even though he's Jewish and than he was like..I just wish I didn't waste money on you though. And he was saying it being sad. Like cool dickhead, you won't have to waste money on me anymore (y) But I thought I was in love but I'm not. So yes. Next time I say I'm in love, I'll review him in my head and than decide if I really am. Okay, okay loves. But I will forever looove you ! No doubt about that. So guys love you thanks for listening byeeeee :)

Quote of the post: if you find yourself looking for a reason to stay with a person, that right there is all the reason enough to leave that person.

XO, The Girl Behind the Laptop.

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