Thursday, January 24, 2013

Many Things.

Long time no see, huh bitches? My apologies but little Ms. Blogger has been quite busy. First off, we're talking about insecurities. These things could eat me alive, literally. There are things I don't like my about myself. I'm starting to accept everything but I am flat-chested, semi-ass, and a big nose. Everything else is pretty much good but I haaaaate my nose with a passion. I can't wait to be 18 because I really want to get a nose job. But I'm going to learn to accept them, obviously because I have like 6 more years until I can do anything about it, so yeah. And basically, I now have this anon account on twitter for lacrosse girls 'laxtitutes' search urban dictionary to find out what that means and I'm talking to this guy who is 16 and I told him I was 17 when really I'm 13. And esperanza is probably reading this and being like wtf is wrong with her? Nobody knows esperanza besides me but that's okay. And anyway, we just kept dming back and forth tonight and I'm kind of hoping he doesn't ask to talk to me on the phone or an instagram picture because I'll be f. u. c. k. e. d. But that's about it. But my idea for girls with insecurities in my school is I'm going to take a sharpie with me to school and just write in big letters 'you're beautiful babe' on the mirror just to make people feel good. So I'm going to do that tomorrow and I think it will be really good. I'm going to take a picture of it and put it up and I think that's about it. Yeah. As always, its just me and no judging hoes.

Quote of the post: insecurities are a girls worst weakness.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Yes I know, don't lecture me.

I know I haven't been doing my daily posts but I've been sick. And I knew this was going to happen when I started my first one. I was like, watch one time I'm going to get sick and not be able to post. And that's exactly what happened. But, yes. So, anyway, the Kiss You music video comes out today!!!!!! I'm not sure what time, but I have the One Direction vevo account page bookmarked so I can check it every hour and make sure I know exactly when it comes out. Yeah. I don't know what else to say. My One Direction tumblr is actually working out really well. I can't tell you guys what it is because than you would know who I was. But I have 102 followers. Zayn's birthday is in 5 days and Kiss You is out today. I'm having a good day besides the part where I'm sick. And I have 102 fever and I'm going to the doctors in an hour. Okay, bye.

Quote of the post: Hashtag Directioner problems.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Friday, January 4, 2013

365 Days Of 2013: Day 4!

Okay. I'm probably grounded. I have to make this quick. My mother decided to call me and yell at me because she got my progress report in her p.o box and it's bad. She said I either have borderline passing or below 65. On everything. So, let's see how much she's exaggerating, if she is. And it also says I'm missing work, bad behavior, and etc. But I really don't do all that bad in class to be honest. I do try, but nobody believes me. I'm good at a couple of things

  • eating
  • playing lacrosse
  • blogging (tumblr and here)
  • tweeting
  • writing
  • sleeping
and I hate doing schoolwork but I try! And...yeah. SO, If I don't post for a few days I probably got my phone and computer taken away. Sorry! :(

Quote of the post: Not all of us can be Albert Einstein, just the one's with a lot of free time and supportive parents.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

365 Days Of 2013: Day 3!

Okay I have to quickly write this because I'm literally getting yelled at to go to bed but I just wanted to write this quickly. Today was pretty good. I gave my friends their presents, I looked cute and I've accomplished what I've been wanting to do! Okay so I have a 1D twitter and tumblr. If I tell you my tumblr, you would know who this is so I'll only tell you the twitter: @high_on_haz but basically I made my 1D wall mural :) I always put up a thing on my wall and make it out of tumblr pictures and make it huge. First I had YOLO, then I had an infinite sign and now I have 1D made out of 1D pictures I got from tumblr. It's really cool and go follow my twitter to see pics of it :) So I'm sorry this was so quick but I reeeally have to go, especially because I didn't do my math homework!

Quote of the post: I'm not obesessed, I'm dedicated. I'm not a fan, I'm a directioner.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

365 Days Of 2013: Day 2!

Okay. Today wasn't the worst thing that could've happened to me. But it isn't that great. Every day I have a workload piled onto me. I have school, chores, 2 blogs, twitter and a 'boyfriend' to keep up with. Life may seem like a bed of roses, but it's not. And just because I'm 'privelged', doesn't mean I don't have problems. I possibly think I have more tasks than Barack Obama. And I might. It's just a lot piled onto me, besides the fact that I still have to 'look good' for school, be perfect to my parents and than still maintain a happy image because they'll probably diagnose me as chronically despressed if I don't. I don't know what to do anymore. I need an escape outlet and I also have insomnia so I don't go to sleep right away. And than when I stay up late, I don't get up in the morning. There aren't enough hours in my day or time or nice people to let me do what I want and what I need to. Well, I'm going to bed I guess. Peace out.

Quote of the post: All work and no play is eating away at me.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

365 Days Of 2013: Day 1

First off, HAPPY NEW YEARS BITCHES <333 OHMYGERSH. Guys, it's a new year. And new things have already happened. I know I haven't updated for a little bit but I have written 2 posts and than I deleted them. I didn't like them really and besides I wanted to start the whole, '365 Days' thing. But anyway, before the new year ended I found this guy, Liam. We met at the local bagel shop everybody in my town goes to mostly. And we started talking. One night or morning I should say at like 1:30 a.m., he asked his brother to take him to taco bell for me and he brought me it. And than we went to the movies together and we kissed and we've been texting. But yesterday, new years eve, we couldn't hang out and he has known this girl for a while and she went over his house. His parents were out and he was watching his little brother. So when the ball dropped, he kissed her. And they were talking about it on Twitter and I follow him. Like are you fucking kidding me bro? We have been talking, you kissed me, we fucking hang out. I might not be your official girlfriend, but I might as well be. The fuck is this shit?!?! And than last night, I drank 3 Mike's alcohol drinks and a smirnoff ice and I had the worst fucking hangover of my life. Mind you, I'm 13 and I have never drank before, so I was obviously going to be a leightweight. I'm 13, 80 pounds and 5.3''. Who wouldn't be a lightweight? So yeah. That was my new years. But today was...well...okay. I kind of forgave him. Because that would have been stupid to just throw away a guy I really like just because he kissed some other girl. And he does treat me good. And when we text, he calls me beautiful and gorgeous and princess. And I love it <3. And he sends me good morning and good night texts. And we talk on the phone for hours. It really doesn't get any better than that. But the thing is, he's also in 10th grade. So he's 16 and I'm...13. That's only a three year difference. But still, my mother probably wouldn't be to happy, she sorta kinda knows. But I'm also getting a belly button ring for my 14th birthday! It's in June and my mom, being the decision maker of that one, said if I was good and shit that she would let me get one, no second thoughts. So that's good. Just in time for Summer too. Because all though I don't like it when guys slap my ass or something, it will give me an advantage with them. But if things keep going well with Liam...than only he gets to see it ;) And today was a pretty good day despite my sadness for his 'cheating'. But I'm going to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow loves. Goodbye.

Quote of the post: Don't be the reason she doesn't trust guys. 
Trust is like a piece of paper, once you crumple it, it can never be perfect again. But you can try and flatten it out.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.