Monday, August 27, 2012

On Behalf Of All Girls..

I just want to say that although the perception we perceive to the world around us, it's hard being a girl. First off, self-esteem issues. Every single day we see these gorgeous women on covers of magazines like Cosmo, Seventeen, and other teeny-bopper magazines. But the thing is, people can say millions of times over and over again: those girls are just airbrushed, they're not real, they have insecurites too. You still say all of that and it wouldn't make a difference. Even if we're the most beautiful girl in the world, we wouldn't believe it. It's hard. There are so many amazing looking girls around us. Models, Actresses, Singers, Public figures. It's just hard. And than when we see ugly girls with pretty clothes, it's just a really bad self-esteem issue. Guys just don't get it, it's hard for us girls to survive in today's society. Even the normal people around you, like your family. My family is the #1 source for my insecurity's. I swear, even if I just throw my hair up in a messy bun for 5 minutes, I feel like I'm embarrasing my family because I don't look like a fucking Victoria's Secret model.'s my 'dear you.' letters for everything.

Dear Boyfriend, 
You're about as real as February 30th.

Dear Bestfriends,
If I have any out there (landshark), I just want to say, you're called best friend for a reason (: You make me smile if I'm sad, you're stupid and funny, and you're smart like no other. We're not even compatible and that's what makes it fun! For some reason, you used to like Fang. What the fuck is that shit? Dylan was always the fucking boss, asshole. And oh yeah, this is Glen Coco Styles. Hint hint. Rebeckii Shanley. 

Dear Family,
Honestly; you people are my life. Sister #1 - I don't know if you could get any more gorgeous. That's what this entire post is about. You make me feel so self-concious because you are pretty, smart, funny and I'm just over here like a sack of potatoes. I looked up on the computer: 'I'm jealous of my sister because she is prettier than me' that's really sad. I know you don't mean it, but it's hard when people see you and than they see me and it's just like, I'm not even grilled cheese compared to you. But you are amazing. You always have my back and I love you for that and you've gone through a lot but you're still standing strong. Sister #2 - Listen you little bratty bundle of joy, you are perfect and you don't even know it. I love you with all of my heart! You are gorgeous, weird, funny and soooo oddly smart! Sister #3 - Die. Just kidding, I love you too. You're my stepsister, but we used to be so close like it's not even funny. But I doooooo love you (:
Dad - I fucking hate you. 
Stepdad - I fucking love you. You're the real dad I never had. You support me and love me and you're funny and you work so hard. 
Mom - Can I just tell you something, you are the most amazing person in my life. I love you like I've never loved anybody else in my life. You work the hardest for me and you bend over backwards for me even when I don't deserve it. You are perfect, even though you don't believe it. You don't even know how I much I loooove you.

Dear Girls I Hate,

I don't know. What I'm trying to say is, don't expect us girls to be perfect, because we're not. We're just...human beings. With great hair and wonderful perfumes. Bye.

Quote Of The Post: Nobody's Perfect, asshole.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

I'm NOT Cosmo!

I think people do not understand the fact that I am not some high-powered magazine that has 15 million workers that sets out on a mission to please all 7 billion people in the world. Okay? I write in America. So I don't know if the entire world, like people outside of America, can get this blog everywhere. Basically, what I'm trying to say is this is really just some crappy blog I can write in my pajamas at home and that's that. Whether I'm living the dream of being a professional life blogger or I'm able to say anything I want without anybody getting in the way or watching what I have to say (almost), I'm having fun. But I do have to watch some of what I say. Some people know who I am and I have to watch what I say about them. (Not you, :) Somebody That I Used To Know!) Inside joke. But, really, this blog is for me. It's not for the bitches I talk about on here who think they own the place. It's for me...for all the people who want to say screw you to the villains of the world but don't have the guts to say it to the person's actual face (which I will, because I have) but this way I can talk about everybody at once and it's easier to come up with snappy comebacks to myself when I talk about somebody. It's just...different. You know? Anyway, I'm allowed to call this 'a crappy blog you can write in your pajamas' because it is! Maybe it's not a crappy blog and it's actually a good one, but that's not the point! The point is that it's my blog, one that I love and I don't need fancy photoshop pictures to make my blog a hit success. And maybe this blog isn't a worldwide Vogue magazine read my millions and billions of people. But it's a cool, fun blog, so leave me the hell alone and go die in your little fucking hole of nothing. OKAI BAI. I'm sorry, I had too (;

Quote Of The Post: You need to have it all, to have it all.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Girls I Hate..

So in my posts I have expressed lots and lots of hate. Obviously. And yes, it probably isn't good for a 13-year-old girl to have so much anger and stress. Well, fuck you. Because I do, bitch. But the thing is, I've said who I hate briefly, but I've never said why. And I probably should. So let's start.

Felicia Cangin - This girl is a fucking slut. First off, you should see our team lacrosse picture. I'm sitting there, with my friends being all innocent in the 'funny' picture we got to do and here she is standing by herself, like the jersey turnpike style. S-L-U-T. That's #1. #2, She's been with just about every guy in our school. #3, She's a prissy bitch. She wouldn't get the medical kit that we need on the field when we practice and she was standing right in front of it. And all she was holding was her lacrosse stick in her hand. She's not even fucking good at lacrosse. 

Nicole Cervone - I can't say to much about Nicole. She was my bestfriend and than we got into a fight. I still miss her as my bestfriend, of course I'm going to. But I've found other bestfriends that I actually am compatible with. But I still want her as one of my bestfriends. But I still sort of hate her because I called her out on something bad that she was doing and she got all pissy and that's why she doesn't like me. Like she needs to grow the fuck up, because I didn't fucking shit to that girl. Okay, sorry. Bye.

That's it. I really fucking hate Felicia. But Nicole is more on my 'want u back' list. lmfao. see what i did there? Cher Lloyd. Yup. And I promise you, if I tried naming them all, we'd be here for hours. Amanda Guidone, Marianna, whose real name is Maria but she like's to call herself Marianna, Meghan Maggio, Taylor Buffa, Samantha Kryshak, Jillian Lachaz. There's just a ton. But yeah. So, Bye uglies. 

Quote Of The Post: You seriously can hate them all.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"I'm Alive, I Promise." - Update!

Okay. I'm just going to lay all the cards out on the table right now. See what I did there? Poker, cards. I know, I know. I'm clever bitches. Anyway, I'm really sorry I haven't posted in forever. There's not really a reason, I've just been feeling lazy about everything & I'm not sure why. Anyway, to add to my laziness I want to go take a nap but I really wanted to update you guys because it's been forever and I don't want you to start thinking that I'm dead. Or worse, abandoning the blog. This blog is really serious to me because it's the one place where I can say ANYBODY'S name I want to and anything about them and I won't get in trouble because: 1. They will probably never even see this blog and 2. Because nobody knows who I am. So frankly, they can't really fucking charge me with a damn thing. So YAY! Anyway, I'm NOT abandoning this blog, sometimes I may have periods of times where I get super lazy and I don't want to update BUT I'M NOT DEAD. Okay, bye guys, love you's !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote Of The Post: It's okay to be lazy. As long as you aren't dead.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.