Wednesday, January 2, 2013

365 Days Of 2013: Day 2!

Okay. Today wasn't the worst thing that could've happened to me. But it isn't that great. Every day I have a workload piled onto me. I have school, chores, 2 blogs, twitter and a 'boyfriend' to keep up with. Life may seem like a bed of roses, but it's not. And just because I'm 'privelged', doesn't mean I don't have problems. I possibly think I have more tasks than Barack Obama. And I might. It's just a lot piled onto me, besides the fact that I still have to 'look good' for school, be perfect to my parents and than still maintain a happy image because they'll probably diagnose me as chronically despressed if I don't. I don't know what to do anymore. I need an escape outlet and I also have insomnia so I don't go to sleep right away. And than when I stay up late, I don't get up in the morning. There aren't enough hours in my day or time or nice people to let me do what I want and what I need to. Well, I'm going to bed I guess. Peace out.

Quote of the post: All work and no play is eating away at me.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

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