Saturday, June 30, 2012

Confessions Of A Teenage Girl TAG!

Hey, people who actually read my blog! Which I'm sure is only my best friend, Beckii, but that's okay.(: So, today I am in a really good fucking mood. LANDSHARK! That was for Beckii ;D, but I'm in a good mood because last night was a good time and if I shall include an update of that magical-ness, than alrighty than. But, today I was obsessed with old Disney Channel movies. And I had a lot of favorites but...yeah. So it's a long story on how I found this again and what made me want to do this tag, but has anybody ever seen Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen? Starring Lindsey Lohan, on Disney Channel? Yeah, well I watched like a million Youtube videos of her singing 'That Girl' and it's like at the end of the movie, kind of, and she's in that pink 'Eliza Rocks' outfit! YES, that's the one! So...this tag was inspired by that (the questions) and than the name was inspired by a fellow Youtube beauty guru: macbby0808080 or something like that. So, yeah. Let's get started!

1. Have you ever been kissed?
Technically, yes. Now I HAVE to do an update. That'll be my next post(;

2. Have you ever had your period, if so, when?
No, I haven't. But when I do, I hope I don't get it at the beach. Awkward moments.

3. What was your most embarrasing moment...around somebody you liked?
I've probably had lots of 'em, I just can't remember any at this moment.

4. What is the worst possible thing you've ever done?
Worst possible thing. When I was in 6th grade, I was a bad kid. I had this math teacher and I don't know. I was always curious about teachers, so I looked through her draws and I found her purse...I saw her wallet...and I took her Target credit card. She got it back and cancelled it, I wasn't expelled or anything. We're fine now, but yeah, worst thing ever. Also, my friend lent me a book to read and I told her I returned it on her name and never did. Okay, that's off my chest.

5. What was the best possible thing you've ever done?
Accepted myself. I obviously haven't completely accepted myself and my body or anything, but I'm pretty close. When I actually have the friends I like and my style and what I love to be like, I'm fine. I feel great. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder, and I love it.

6. Teens are pressured for everything to early nowadays (sex, drugs, marriage, early pregnancies, etc.), so what do you do to stay afloat in our society?
I don't let that stuff into my life. I do feel bad, because some people don't have a choice. But that was and is always my parents upbringing of me. We aren't allowed to go to the mail box, or take out the garbage without telling somebody and having them watch us walk out. I don't give out personal information, I don't show people the weak side of me. If you're somebody who I just met and you are in a gang or affiliated with drugs or alcohol or you're just not good, I normally won't hang out with people like that. I just surround myself with my friends and who I love and what I love to do. And, that's how. I join sports, because the bad kids aren't allowed to(;

So, guys. That was everything for this post! I felt like it was kind of weird...and different. Whatever, read the post before my last two posts! Change can be good(: Okay, bye.(:

Quote Of The Post: It helps to find creative ways to blurt out your problems.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Friday, June 29, 2012

July Photo-A-Day Challenge!

Hey everyone! So this is Summer and as you know, I have a Summer Bucket List, and yeah. So this kind of goes along with that whole dumb shit crap. And yeah. So this is from Instagram and you basically just take a photo of everything thats on this list every day in July. I think it's going to be kind of hard, considering I don't want to reveal my identity to you people, but I'll try. Yeah. Read the list below:

1. Self Portrait
2. Busy
3. Best Part of your day
4. Fun 
5. On the floor
6. Chair
7. Garden
8. Lunch
9. Big
10. Your favorite color
11. Letter
12. Texture
13. Open 
14. Building
15. Finger
16. Sign
17. Your addiction
18. Plate
19. Animal/insect/pet
20. Eyes
21. 9' o clock
22. Upside down
23. Mirror
24. A Stranger
25. Heart
26. Sunshine
27. On the road
28. Cup 
29. Last thing you bought
30. Calm 
31. Toothbrush

So that's err'ything! Hope you enjoyed...kay bye.

Quote Of The Post: Make sure you have memories to laugh at when you're old and wrinkly.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.


Hey guys! Okay. So today, I don't want to sound like a fucking bitch. OH!OH!OH! Really quick, I'm in the mood to curse a lot I'm going to. Anyway, I don't want to be all like, fucking annoying and all that shit, but you guys know that I do kind of put a lot of time and effort into my blog. For one, I always put a picture in my blog posts. You will always see a picture, 

right there. So, that's check 1. Check 2, I ALWAYS put a 'quote of the post' at the end. Down at the end of the post, so that's check 2. Check 3, I always try to make them funny. There isn't a moment when I make a post and it's like...
'So today I went to the grocery store and I bought pineapples...and peaches...and apples. And yeah, bye.' See? I make my posts FUCKING INTERESTING LIKE A FUCKING BOSS. 
My posts are always fucking like,
'Today I went to the grocery store and saw Justin FUCKING Bieber.' Yeah, bitches. Those are my fucking posts. Okay? So anyway, you're supposed to get followers on a blog. And Lindsey, beauty guru, beautybaby44, has like, 300 followers. Oh I just checked, 381. See?!?!?!?! I don't put up like, fucking Ulta Hauls, I put up stuff. Like, the blog in my FAVORITE FUCKING SHOW EVER: AWKWARD. It's not a real blog, just one of those t.v. blogs that she writes on about her life. And she uses real names, LIKE ME! And yeah...even she has 1 follower. And it's a fucking t.v. blog. We should count how many times I say 'fuck' in this post. Anyway, seriously. Like, get this fucking blog fucking out there. I'm tired of sitting in places in my house and just writing to nobody. It helps, because, you know, at least I can't get all my fucking crap shit out there without anybody actually knowing who I am, so nobody can really judge me. But it's not like I'm fucking dragging celebrities through the dirt. I'm not fucking Mariah Yeater saying that Harry Styles (which by the way, who I am in LOOOOOOVEEEE with(; !!!!) is my baby daddy. No, I'm a fucking real-ass bitch who sits on her motha/motherfucking hp laptop and you know, writes to her fucking bitch-ass motherfucking lonely blog. Okay, to end on that note. Bye poops, love you!

Quote Of The Post: Sometimes you just need to air shit out.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Crossed Off The Bucket List: Dip-dye hair!

Hey guys! So on the left, you can obviously see what that is. Red hair! Streaks of red hair. This is what it looked like. My older sister is absolutely OBSESSED with Pinterest and she spends every waking moment on there. So anyway, she saw a recipe for dip-dying your hair. So you get kool-aid packets and one cup of water and...voila! So, we both used red. At first, I wanted lime green, pink, red and purple. But my family said that the lime green won't take to my dark hair and the pink...I don't know. So, in the end I was going to just do the purple and the red, but I ended up just doing the red. It was soooo much fun and because I have curly hair, my hair turned curly after I'm going to go restraighten it. But anyway, my sister and I used to fight like cats and dogs, but recently we've been getting along. We have been doing fun projects together and stuff and it is soooo much easier to just get along with my sister and have fun than to be a bitch to her. So...yeah! Bye.(:

Quote Of The Post: It takes more energy to be rude, than it does to be nice.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Is Change Good?

Okay, I really did try getting this post up before June 27th, but it wasn't working. Lately, life has been weird. I know you guys know that I'm pretty insecure, what teenage girl isn't?! But, I love to write. And the thing is, I live my fantasies through my stories. People like to ask me what I'm writing about and I get embarrased telling them that I write about girls in high school like romance stuff and things like that. I'm afraid people will think I'm weird. But, I don't know. I was in the car with my friend today—we went to the library and my mom was driving her home—and we were talking about how these girls we both hate, hate her because she was really well-opinionated. And she said, 'I'd rather be hated for what I am, than be liked for what I'm not'. And in that moment, I was jealous of her. Because whenever I was with her, she would always speak up about what she felt wasn't right and I couldn't do that. Something in me, all the time, just says that you're not good enough. The world doesn't need you. And that you're not pretty or things like that. How do I get rid of that?! But, lately I've been reading a lot of interesting things. Like, they are just inspirational and they're always saying to fuck off because nobody else matters but you and they work and keep me happy until I face a situation and I just end up falling into the crowd. But, in some situations I am myself. I don't remember exactly when. Like, I was just thinking about how I don't feel pretty. Because whenever I don't like shower for a day or two, or my nails aren't cut perfectly, or my hair isn't straightened and out, I am not taking care of myself. For one, I'm mixed. So, my hair doesn't need to be washed every single day. It's not my fault my toenails grow like tallons and I don't always have the time to cut them and you know what? It takes a lot to be beautiful. But when I'm constantly getting told that I need to do something to make myself look better, how am I not supposed to be insecure? I'm growing up in a house where my older sister is supposed to be my rolemodel. Okay, my sister is like 5'1, she's petite, she has nice boobs, nice butt, amazing hair, pretty face and she knows who she is and what she wants to be. But nobody in my family gets that I'm struggling. When I wake up in the morning and I'm finished getting ready, she doesn't tell me that I look pretty. Everyday when we had school, she would get ready and I always told her she looked so pretty that day. Always. And I probably got it back, once or twice. I feel like nobody really understands the pain that I go through of being insecure every day, every moment and it sucks. But here's something I just read about how to stop being so insecure:

screw being humble, make yourself think you're hot shit

I think I know what I want to do. Sometimes, it's not just about saying you're gorgeous. Sometimes, you need to make yourself feel gorgeous. I'm not saying I'm going out to get plastic surgery or something. But here are some things I'm thinking about doing to make myself feel good:

  • Getting highlights & hair extensions.
I used to have the longest hair ever. It was 1 inch shorter than being 3 feet and people always commented on it. I think I like it short, but sometimes I miss it long. So anyway, I really want highlights for the summer and I want hair extensions to make my hair long again.

  • Colored Contacts
I have bad eyes as it is and if I could change my eye color to something I actually wanted than I think I could be happier.

  • Get my teeth whitened. 
I have braces right now, so I don't know if you could do it with that. I hope you can.

  • Buy padded bra's.
My boobs are pretty small. 'Nuff said. 

  • Buy the clothes that make me happy.
I'm really into buying cool things lately. I already have an outfit picked out for the first day of 8th grade that I want. A black crop top, high waisted shorts, fishnet stockings and Chuck Taylor's. I'm not trying to be a super-slut here, but here's the picture of the outfit inspiration:
But I think it's really cute and Avril Lavigne is starting to become my rolemodel.

  • Pink and Green streak.
This one also came from Avril Lavigne. I want a pink streak in the front of my hair on the right side and a green streak between the front and the mid-back of my hair. I think it'll look really cool.

  • Industrial bar earring.
It was either this or a belly-button ring and my mom said I could get it at 15. So, waiting on that for 2 more years.

Basically, I just really want to change my look to Avril Lavigne's style. I think these things will really help my self-esteem because I know that these are things I want to change about my body, so hopefully I can actually convince my parents. My plan is: get these things done before school starts. So all I need to prove to my parents is that, I can keep my room clean, listen to them and I've grown up. So, let's hope this works. I hope this post was long enough for you! Sorry I didn't post the 24th, 25th, or, technically, the 26th. But I did get onto the whole 'new post' thing at 11:59 p.m., so technically I'm in the clear! Okay, bye.

Quote Of The Post: Sometimes it take's more than just a simple, 'you're beautiful'.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

When Girls Are More Fake Than Barbie...

Hey guys. Notice how I didn't put the '!' like I normally did. Yeah, uh-huh, I know. So anyway, I'm not putting to much thought into this post because I'm pretty fucking pissed off. This girl I know, Felicia, see, she doesn't like me. Shocker, shocker, she's a bitch-ass slut. Anyway, I went to the beach today with my sister, her boyfriend, and my bestfriend, so we get there and I see my cousin. We all talk, blah blah blah and than my friend and I go to the water and my sister goes to get food. Apparently, my cousin's friends (and not my cousin) was stealing iPhones, pocket-books and other things like jewelry and stuff. So anyway, Felicia's was one that got stolen. So my cousin got arrested and the rest is history. Okay, and than Felicia decides to write on Facebook, 
"Sheesh, people are such low lifes. stealing my phone and than getting caught. never bringing my phone to the beach again.' 
Okay, if little kids read this blog, which I doubt they do, please turn this post away. I don't care if I'm a girl, about to go h.a.m.
Alright, this fucking dirty ass bitch wants to sit here and fucking talk about how people are fake and low lifes like bitch , cunt , hoe , slut look in a fucking mirror and than talk . you need to get yourself a fucking life and go die in a hole , kay mofo? thanks bitch.
I'm sorry, but I had to get that off my chest and you know what, I still want to hit her. I don't care what the fuck happened , you don't fucking talk about my family. Alright guys, I'm finished now. I'm sorry.

Quote Of The Post: Don't fuck with another bitches family, unless you feel like getting hit.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

PS: Again, I'm sorry!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer 2012 Playlist!

Hey everyone! So as you know, Summer 2012 has begun in New York and I am proud to announce that I NOW have a Summer 2012 Playlist! So...let's get started.

Fighting For Nothing - Meg & Dia

Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepson

Glad You Came - The Wanted

Lights - Ellie Goulding

One Thing - One Direction <3333.

What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction <3333.

 Up All Night - One Direction

Brokenhearted - Karmin

When It All Falls Apart - The Veronicas

Look At Me Now - Chris Brown

The Motto - Drake

Boyfriend - Justin Bieber

Elevate - Big Time Rush

I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston (Jessica Sanchez)

One Step At A Time - Jordin Sparks

Tattoo - Jordin Sparks

Every Part Of Me - Miley Cyrus

Make It In America - Victoria Justice

Right Words - Katie Sky

Big Yellow Taxi - Katie Sky

Replay - Iyaz

It Girl - Jason Derulo

California Gurls - Katy Perry 

We Are Young - fun.

Paris Hilton's Closet - Ke$ha

Dynamite - Jason Derulo

I like It - Enrique Iglesias

Dance Again - Jennifer Lopez

Teenage Dream - Katy Perry

Airplanes - B.O.B.

DJ Got Us Falling In Love - Usher

Say Goodbye - Chris Brown

Take A Hint - Victoria Justice & Elizabeth Gillies

Right By My Side - Nicki Minaj

Sexy and I Know It - LMFAO

Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO

Breathe - Taylor Swift

Ours - Taylor Swift

Who Says - Selena Gomez

Hit The Lights - Selena Gomez

Tell Me That You Love Me - Victoria Justice

Person Of Interest - Rebecca Black

1983 - Neon Tree's

Payphone - Maroon 5

Good Life - Onerepublic

Hands Of Time - Rachel Diggs

Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People

Give Your Heart A Break - Demi Lovato

You're My Only Shorty - Demi Lovato

Kissin' U - Miranda Cosgrove

Unwritten - Natasha Beddingfield

I Do Not Hook Up - Kelly Clarkson

Because Of You - Kelly Clarkson

Since You've Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson

Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson

Me, Myself, & Time - Demi Lovato

Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson

My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson

Firework - Katy Perry

Just a Dream - Carrie Underwood

All American Girl - Carrie Underwood

Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood

Jesus, Take The Wheel - Carrie Underwood

Behind These Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson

We Found Love - Rihanna

Skyscraper - Demi Lovato

Concrete Angel - Martina Mcbride

Drive By - Train

Feel So Close - Calvin Harris

What The Hell - Avril Lavigne

Things I'll Never Say - Avril Lavigne 

So that is all and I guess if there's more songs that I decide to add to my playlist, I will come back and edit this post.!

Quote Of The Post: Music is louder than any form of speech.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Hey guys! So, please don't be mad at me...but I know, I know, I didn't post yesterday. But I had a good reason! It was 94.8 degree's yesterday here in New York and it was waaaay to hot to do anything but the beach. So my sister, my neighbor, her baby and I went! My neighbor isn't one of those old people's who has to take my sister and I around. She's turning 21 tomorrow actually and her son is turning 3 in September and my sister is 17. So, you can see that it's all like a cool relationship. So anyway, the beach was really fun. My sister is a cool sister and she took me out far into the waves, because whenever I would go, I would go with my mom and she would want me like, not even 2 feet into the water. Talk about crazy. But anyway, my sister took me out and there were mostly tiny, calm waves but when big waves would come my sister would tell me to dive under them, but I never did that before so I would always run in the opposite direction where the wave breaks. One huge wave got me and it pushed me back, made me do a backflip and than when I was trying to regain my balance another one came and did that to me. I got a mouthful of salt water and I'm pretty sure people saw my boobs at least once that day. So I got my wallet stolen and my chest burnt and even though it sounded like the suckiest day in the world, it was probably one of the best days I'd ever had and I know this Summer is going to be a 'Beach Summer' mixed in with a 'Summer 2012 Bucketlist Summer' which reminds me, I should go post my Summer Bucketlist. Whatever, I have a crap-ton of chores to do today, all in which involve cleaning my room which likes like a tornado hit it. Lol, bye!

Quote Of The Post: Some things are a blessing in disguise.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award!

Hey everyone! So today's post is actually something pretty fun. It's called 'One Lovely Blog Award'. Basically, it's when somebody nominates you (or in my case, you nominate yourself) and you post 7 random facts about yourself and than nominate 15 people, (or in my case, people's blogs that you actually read) and let's get freaky. That was NOT meant to sound sexual.

1 - I listen to rap music. Okay, I know that if you knew me in real life I would most likely seem like the girl who listens to One Direction (who are my babies) and Taylor Swift (who is my older sister, obvi!) but I am honestly in love with Wiz Kalifa, Lupe Fiasco, Eminem, Lil' Wayne, Chris Brown, Busta Rhymes, Pitbull, Usher, New Boyz. Yes, I listen to rap music, I actually know how to rap (and I'm partially white) and I <3 ONE DIRECTION & pink. (;

2 - I'm addicted to Extreme Couponers. Okay, yes. That show is uh-maze-zing. It's on TLC and it's just like, cool. I don't know, weird. It literally made me stay up till, like, 11:00 p.m. clipping coupons for things I don't even buy myself. How stupid is that?! Yes...addiction.

3 - I am a Youtube beauty guru. I make beauty & fashion & vlogs & girl talks on Youtube and yeah...I'm not going to give you my channel but now you can narrow it down. Unless you already know where I am...because you're some kind of creeper...okay than.

4 - I have weak nails. Okay, I know, I know. But it's like 9:30 and I'm like an old person and I'm getting to be tired. So, um, yes. Anyway, my nails are pretty weak. That's right, my nails break easily..................

5 - I have braces. My teeth are pretty screwed up—or they were at least. But I change my colors like every 2 months. They're green & white now(:

6 - I'm the most accident-prone, clumsiest, ditsiest girl you will probably ever meet in your lifetime. I can choke on air, trip on a flat surface and hurt myself by myself. It's true, I can't go 1 hour without hurting myself. It's kind of sad, actually.

and finally, 7 - I'm such a huge hypocrite. I said that Tumblr is the dumbest thing since bread and now I'm addicted. I said Justin Bieber was gay and now I love him. I said Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez were selfish whores and I want them to die and I want to claw their eyes out. Now they're my rolemodels. I know, I know. Give me the death penalty. 

So, that is everything. Get my blog out there because I'm sure somewhere in the world their is a girl who is just like me, in all of my weird and awkward-ness. Okay, bye now.

Wait wait wait, the people I nominate:

and...yeah. Okay, goodbye NOW.

Quote Of The Post: It's easier to be an open book...than it is to be a closed shell.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Case Of: The Funny Final Fiasco.

Okay, so as you all know, I took my final yesterday and it was my social studies final. I was wigging out and thinking 'OMFG, I'M GOING TO FAIL'. But I actually think I did pretty damn good. To be honest, it wasn't that hard. (We will get to the funny part soon). But I had this woman, Mrs. D, as our proctor and she was one of the bitchy teachers who thought she was cool and thought of herself as nice and awesome when in reality she was just a...just a...uh...a...BITCH. SHE DIDN'T DO HER HAIR, SHE SMELLED HORRIBLE AND SHE WAS UGLY. UH-GOO-LEE. But anyway, back to the actual final. We had 2 parts. Part 1, which was multiple choice and part 2, which was short answer. Now, I'm pretty good on multiple choice. I have a pretty good sense of process of elimination. And the multiple choice was pretty easy, a little hard to comprehend at times, so I had to keep reading it over, but fairly easy. And than I quickly glanced at the first page of part 2, short answer, and it looked hard. Like, hard. Harder than my sister's scrunched hair. And...yeah. So my friend had just told me that she didn't get any of the short answer so she just wrote 'YOLO' on it. (You Only Live Once). Which I mentioned in my first blog post that YOLO is used for doing dumbass things. Anyway, on the entire first page of the short answer, which was 3 questions, I wrote YOLO. And than on the back page I didn't under stand the last question or the middle question and I wrote YOLO. Becuz, you know...
So yeah. I don't really know where I was going with the post...or where this post went. Okay, bye.

Quote Of The Post: There is no life lesson here. YOLO.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Wish Me Good Luck!

So today is the day I have been dreading for forever—finals. And not just any finals, social studies finals. Yes, the infamous social studies final. I've already done my math and science final and to be honest, I think I did pretty damn good. But I knew nothing would be more terrifying, bone-chilling than my S.S. final. My S.S. teacher is one of those who puts immense amounts of stress to do perfect on his students. And while perfection may be an astonishing award, it just isn't for everyone. And by no means am I saying that I'm not smart, I'm just saying I'm not as smart as Albert Einstein. I mean, who is? But I don't really study for S.S.—at all. And there's my problem right there. But the thing is, I've tried to study, I've tried turning off my computer or turning on itunes and leaving it on shuffle, turning off my t.v., putting my phone away and it still doesn't work. No matter how hard I try to get the highlighter to the nitty gritty and make me remember things, it doesn't work. And all inspiring quotes, they don't do anything for me. All I need is a good luck day. I've got on a cute blue, green, and white BEBOP dress that I purchased from Marshalls, brown and black gladiator sandals and a brown braided belt. My hair is neatly tucked into a side-braid and my unpolished nails are...unpolished. I think I'm going to go make a hot chocolate w/ french vanilla and watch some 'Easy A' or 'Head Games' just to calm my nerves. So once again, please wish my some good luck, because I will be needing it!

Quote Of The Post #1: Remember, it is OKAY not to be perfect.

Quote Of The Post #2: It is during our failures, we realize our true desire for success.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

    Hey everyone! So today is a very special day today because it is...FATHERS DAY. So, Happy Fathers Day and if you're reading this, go say Happy Fathers Day to your dad! And if he has passed, (RIP, I'm so sorry for your loss), but go to the grave at least and say Happy Fathers Day. 
    Okay, so, here's a little story for you. And since I'm pretty sure nobody knows who I am, so let's start. My dad was one of 'those' Dads. He was always high on drugs and my parents got divorced so my dad now lived in a complex with his new wife. So I would go see him and he would leave me alone to go do drugs and steal and than one Halloween I was at his house and he left me alone to go take a taxi and do drugs and they both left their phones home. I'm starting to realize that I don't need dirt bags like that in my life, so my mom was raising me and my sisters on her own. My littlest sister was adopted and than my older sister's dad died. We had different Dads. But than, my mom got this boyfriend, who she is now engaged to. And we've been living with him for 6 years, almost 7. I love him, he is my favorite person that I've ever met and I looove him so much. He is the best Dad ever. We just gave him his Father's Day presents and we made him a gift that we saw on Pinterest. So if you're interested, here are some quick-fix presents if you didn't have time to go out and actually buy anything, here you go:

1. Buy a picture frame, take 2 pictures, or however many daughters or sons your father has, and write 'we love you because...' and than write 1 reason per daughter or son why you love him.

2. A home-made card.

3. Make a poem. 

4. Buy him a small 'Happy Father's Day' bear.

So that's all for this wonderful 'Happy Father's Day' post!

Quote Of The Post: A Father is a guy who has pictures in his wallet where his money used to be.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Why Do I Get Jealous So Easily?

Okay. So I'm a teenage girl (obviously), so when you're a teenage girl you go through this phase where you just get jealous of everyone and everything. That's simple enough, right? But not for me. Ever since I was little, whenever I would read a book or watch a t.v. show or watch a movie and there was always this really hot guy, I would end up falling in love with him, the character. And than there would be this girl and they would end up together and it would literally, kill me. Like, every time I see this, till this day, I die a little inside. Like Selena Gomez for example. She used to be my complete and total idol. I would watch her show and defend her whenever somebody said something wrong about her like she was my own big sister. And than when she started dating Justin Bieber, I was so hateful towards her. I literally told myself every single day, Selena Gomez should just die or something. And I never sent her a death threat or anything and I didn't go emo because of it, but I was so jealous of her and Jasmine Villegas. I just, nothing seems fair really. I was just watching the new t.v. movie 'Blue Lagoon: The Awakening' and I immediately saw the guy and I was like 'KOOTAY'. And than I was like 'No, never mind'. And than he reminded me of Harry Styles so I had to love him again and than there was this girl and I got so jealous and I started making fun of the show. I don't know what it is with me. I've been trying to come to terms that there are going to be people better than me and I'm trying to help myself but it's like, it's not working. You know? Okay, I'm going to write down some steps to help myself:

1. If someone starts making you feel bad about yourself, tell them to fuck off. Who are they to you?

2. If you see celebrities that make you feel inferior, cut them out of your life. 
(When I finally realized I had an unhealthy obsession with jealousy, I stopped watching the Teen Choice Awards and MTV Movie Awards and not the MTV Music Awards, I actually really like that one). But stop watching their shows, reading magazines and leave the room if there movie or show comes on.

3. Make yourself feel pretty. If you don't like the way you look, just change it. You don't always need to change it, because people are beautiful, but if it's eating you alive, hell, get a tan, work-out, get highlights, paint your nails. MAKE yourself feel beautiful. You don't need society to tell you how to live your life.

4. YOLO. I know that it is stupid and all but it is really amazing to live by. Because you may think, wow, I didn't know I could only live once, I thought I was a cat. But when you want to do something crazy and stupid that you just can't justify, YOLO. When you wear sweatpants on a gorgeous Summer day, YOLO. When you throw your hair up in a bun, put on short shorts and a Taylor Swift tee, YOLO. When you feel like not doing your homework or taking a test, YOLO. Because this IS your time to screw up, but be good. And when I say YOLO (you only live once, obvi.), I feel like I can do whatever the hell I want. 

So those are some tips for MYSELF and you if it helps. Comment down below some more posts you might want to see and tell me how you deal with jealousy, because we all go through it.

Quote Of The Post: Life IS what you make of it. It's only a matter of mind perception. The worst day is only 24 hours. And it helps if you know how to say fuck off.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.