Saturday, December 8, 2012

Go Fuck Yourself.

If you bully people, you can go fuck yourself. I know this Amanda Todd story happened almost 2 months ago but I really don't give shit. I feel like fucking talking about. I hate bullies
 And you know what? Yes, I've done it. Am I denying it? Nope. I'm not being a pussy and I'm owning up to it and I am realizing my mistake and correcting it. If you didn't know, Amanda Todd was a 17-year-old girl who committed suicide on October 10th, 2012. After she flashed herself to a grown man, he had picked on her and also threatened to show the picture to everybody if she had not our on another show for him. After she refused and he did it, she changed schools and lost all of her friends. Than she had become to talk to an old guy friend who had a girlfriend at the time. After about a month he had told her that he really liked her and asked her to come over when his girlfriend had been on vacation. They had hooked up and than the girl went to fight her. 15 other people, including the guy 'friend' had come to watch. The girl threw her on the ground and began punching her. She played in a ditch and her dad found her. She moved to a new city with her mom and than the bullying online still came. She drank bleach and had to be rushed to the hospital and flushed. Than she overdosed and ad to be in the hospital for 2 days. She couldn't stop cutting herself and feeling alone. She had planned on getting a 'stay strong' tattoo just like her idol, Demi Lovato after her 18th birthday in November. But before that, she had committed suicide. This is why bullying is probably the most cause of suicide these days. I feel so dirty and guilty and shamed of even have taking part of ever saying a mean word to anybody in my lifetime. Its such a horrible thing to do and everybody and I mean every single person, even the fucking president, should feel bad too. If you bully, please stop it. I'm honestly begging you from the bottom of my heart, quit it. Say this shit to your friends or whatever. Yeah it might seem pussy to not say it to the person but at least you're not hurting that person. Hell, write it in your diary. Yeah I know, look at all my posts. Think about the ones.I'm going to write. I'll try not to be so cruel, some things I will have to let out. I'll try to tone it down though. I'm just saying though, realize what you're about to do before you do it.

Quote Of the Post: Your 'harmless comment' can cost somebody their life.

XO, The Girl Behind The Laptop.

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